It’s THAT Time of Year

It’s that time of year.

What does that phrase even mean? I could say that about every day of the year, every day is that time year for SOMETHING. It’s that time of year in January and February when we’re all bitterly cold and want some hint of sunshine, it’s that time of year in April and May when spring starts to role around and school starts to let out, it’s that time of year in September when school starts again and football season takes over the nation (or maybe it just seems like that because it takes over my world). 

What time of year is it now?

Well that depends how specific you want to get. It’s the holiday season, time for shopping, time for parties and friends and family. For those of us who are cursed enough to be students at this moment, it’s the time of year for finals which means no sleep, no social life, and absurd amounts of caffeine. It’s a weird combination of trying to enjoy the holiday season, but also trying to ensure that our GPA remains intact.

Now do you know what I mean when I say, it’s that time of year?

Since it’s that time of year, classes and my extracurriculars are wrapping up for the semester. It’s a beautiful thing, trust me. There are several people I am thankful I will not have to sit in a room with ever again and there are classes that I am thankful I do not have to endure another session. It’s time to open the next chapter.

This morning my partner, Megan, and I had our last practicum session. It’s a placement we have in a second grade classroom, where we observed and taught for three hours a week over the course of the semester. It’s a beautiful school and the kids are incredible.

Today we walked in to find a gift, a class set of thank you notes, personalized for both Megan and I.

The funny thing was my mentor teacher had clearly taught the students to spell my name based on how my name sounded in her southern accent.


Professional Development Lesson: If you are going to have 26 kids write thank you notes, take the time to look up the spelling of the name of the person you’re thanking.

Regardless though, these thank you notes made my day. They reminded me exactly why I want to be a teacher eventually.

Also, in case you were wondering:


2 responses to “It’s THAT Time of Year

  1. Debra Kenny (@DebraKenny1)

    Awww, so awesome! I think Big Foot is my favorite part. Keep up the good work, Ms. Kinney.

  2. Juliana Musselman

    Your kids are so sweet! Ours just attacked us with hugs. 🙂

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